Discovering Your Brand in 60 Minutes

Do you remember the first time you put something special out into the world that was 100% created by you?

That something special–be it a new business, a talent, a product, an initiative—was something that you just had to do because you believed in it!

You poured your heart and soul into it. You stepped back and admired it.

Now it is time to share it with the world in a way that gets noticed and creates meaningful connections. You need a story that does just that.

Cue butterflies, cold sweats, and smiles all at the same time!

Taking that first step toward creating an intentional brand is exciting. But I won’t be shocked if you say that it’s also a little intimidating at first. And that is perfectly okay!

Today Positioned is sharing a free “Discovering Your Brand in 60 Minutes” mini workbook. You’ll reflect on your goals, identify key stakeholders and influencers, and discover the values and attributes that create your unique brand position.

By the time you have completed this brief exercise, you’ll be well-positioned to nailing that elevator pitch and ready to craft a strategic communications plan that connects with your audience. (More on that in workbook #2!)

Grab the workbook:

DM with any questions you have along the way!

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